Spiritual, Spiritist, and Spiritualist
Churches in California


Mystical United Spiritualist Church Learning Light Foundation Rev. Ethel Rowe, 1212 E. Lincoln, Anaheim, CA, 92805 Rev. Ethel Rowe Anahaeim, CA, 02805 714-758-8097 Sunday Healing and Meditation: 6 PM Sunday Service: 6:30 PM Angel Messages and Refreshments afterwards. Group of Hope Joanna de Angelis 1648 Broadway Street Anaheim, CA 92802 Ph.:(714) 633-7080 Contact: Mariza Basabilbaso


Spiritualist Chapel of the Pines 457 Grass Valley Highway #7 Auburn, CA, 95603 530-823-1816 Affiliation: NSAC


Church of Spiritual Fellowship 7 Cottage Lane Twin Pines Park Belmont, CA, 94002 650-368-4914 kb6tr@arrl.net

Bolder Creek

Goddess Temple, UCM PO Box 347 Boulder Creek, CA 95006 831-338-9584 penny@goddesstemple.org


Oliver's Market http://www.sunsetcamp.org/feeders/olivers-market.htm 546 East Cotati Ave., Cotati, CA, 94931 707-795-9501


Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association 2975 Washington Circle Escondido, CA, 92029 760-745-9176 Affiliation: ISA-USA Light of Truth Church Rev. Dr. Fred Jordan 564 Bear Valley Parkway Escondido, CA, 92025 619-489-6655


Missionary Independent Spiritual Church 6632 Covey Road Forestville, CA 95436 707-887-7808 email: church@missionaryindependent.org www.missionaryindependent.org Affiliation: MISC Santisima Muerte Chapel of Perpetual Pilgrimage Forestville, CA 95436 www.santisimamuertechapel.org Affiliation: MISC


Light of Emmanuel Church Rev. Arlene Phelan 2558 Erskine Lane, Hayward, CA, 94545 510-887-1621

Joshua Tree

Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary Deacon Millett deaconmillett@fouraltars.com www.fouraltars.org Affiliation: MISC

Long Beach

Spiritualist Gathering 3212 E. Eighth St. Long Beach, CA, 90804 562-861-6158

Los Angeles

Blossom Spiritist Center 1441 Westwood Blvd. Suite D Los Angeles, CA 90024 Ph.:(310) 447-8217 Contact: Akemi Adams e-mail: blossomspiritist@aol.com www.blossomss.org EarthSpirit Center Church Contact: Dr. Nanci Shadera, Ph.D. P.O. Box 412141 Los Angeles, CA, 90041 323-254-5458 Please visit our Web Site United Friendship Church 812 N. Alvarodo St. Los Angeles, CA Rt. Rev. Ed. Vazquez 213-389-9197 Fax: 323-669- 0134 Sunday Service 6:00 pm. Spiritist Center Euripedes Barsanulfo 12206 Pico Boulevard Suite B Los Angeles, CA 90064 Ph.:(310) 204-3455 Contact: Luiza Shohat Spiritualist Center of Hollywood Center Church Contact: Lee Jones 6417 Lexington Avenue Los Angeles, CA, 90038 323-856-8646


First Temple of Spiritualism 874 Woodward Road #33 Manteca, CA, 95337 209-825-3940 Affiliation: NSAC


Church of Spiritual Fellowship Millbrae Library Community Room, Library Ave. Millbrae, CA Services every Sunday at 10:30 AM


Spiritualist Church of Revelation 200 West Colorado Boulevard Monrovia, CA, 91016 626-256-3403 Affiliation: NSAC

National City

First Christian Spiritualist Church Rev. Gwen Stone - Founded 1886 1206 Coolidge Avenue National City, CA, 92050 619-477-6424


Metropolitan Spiritual Church 2510 Filbert St. Oakland, CA, 94607 510-834-9872 Metropolitan Spiritual Church of Christ 6629 Bancroft Ave. Oakland, CA. 510-633-0510 Mount Zion Spiritual Temple Church 1488 14th Street Oakland, CA, 94607 510-451-8119 Saint Andrew's Spiritualist Church Rev. Mary Rose Czajka 2936 Rawson Street Oakland, CA, 94619 510-534-5060 Starlight Cathedral 939 35th St (between Market St. & San Pablo Ave.) Oakland, CA 94608 510-653-2087 Hours: Sun 11:30 am - 3 pm Sunflower Spiritualist Church Dr. Mariam Austin 3639 M.L.K. Junior Way #A Oakland, CA, 94609 510-658-4506 Temple Mount Zion Spiritual Church 2701 64th Ave Oakland, CA, 94601 510-763-0094


Spiritual Center of Friendship 125 East G Street Ontario, CA, 909-986-2050

Palo Alto

Center for Compassionate Living, UCM 415 Cambridge Ave. #8 Palo Alto, CA, 94301 650-322-2242


Gate of Heaven Chapel 21st Century Family Church 2019 Orange Ave Ramona, CA, 92065 818-343-5030 Fax: 818-343-4592

Redwood City

Redwood Church of Spiritual Science, NSAC 149 Clinton St. Redwood City, CA, 94062 415-598-0111


Central Spiritualist Church 2500 Marconi Avenue #209 Sacramento, CA 95650 916-652-4568 Affiliation: NSAC Sacramento Valley Spiritist Society 1310 Longfellow Cir Roseville, CA 95747 Contact: Claudia Rodrigues/Crhistopher Akin Ph: (916) 771-2646 e-mail: savass@live.com

Santa Barbara

Summerland Spiritualist Church of the Comforter Rev. Sandi Cook 1028 Garden Street Santa Barbara, CA, 93101 805-965-4474 Affiliation: NSAC

Santa Clara

Center for Infinite Growth, UCM 2473 Rebecca Lynn Way Santa Clara, CA. 95050 408-241-7555 919-639-2393 Universal Church of the Master Rev. Lavona Stillman 501 Washington Street Santa Clara, CA, 95050 408-248-3624

Santa Cruz

Church of Divine Truth 212 Dakota Ave. Santa Cruz, CA, 95060 408-426-2989

Santa Rosa

Spiritual Enrichment Center http://web.userinstinct.com/7526822-spiritual-enrichment-center.htm 360 Farmers Lane Santa Rosa, CA, 95405-4723 707-546-1781

San Bernadino

Chapel Of the Angels Rev. Pamela Dortch 6767 Del Rosa Ave. San Bernardino, CA, 92404 909-887-3011 Temple of Spiritual Truth 732 North Sierra Way San Bernardino, CA 92402 909-825-6809 Affiliation: NSAC

San Bruno

First Spiritual Temple, NSAC 1101 National Avenue #1328 San Bruno, CA, 94066 650-583-2739 Affiliation: NSAC

San Carlos

Joanna de Angelis Study Group 642 Quarry Road, Suite E San Carlos, CA 94070 Ph.:(650) 450-6457 Alt. (650) 450-3470 email: jass@jassociety.org www.jassociety.org

San Diego

Allan Kardec Fellowship Society of San Diego 3610 Hancock Street, Suite 8 San Diego, CA, 92110 Ph.:(858) 273-7591 Contact: Marcio Zouvi events@allankardecsociety.org www.allankardecsociety.org First Spiritual Church 3777 Forty-Second Street San Diego, CA, 92105 619-284-4646 Fraternal Spiritualist Church 4720 Kensington Drive San Diego, CA, 92116 858-281-4557 Golden Light of Christ Rev. Jean Holmes 11828 Rancho Bernardo, Rd#123-201 San Diego, CA, 92128 858-480-5740 Seeds Of Light Contact: Bia Henrique Ph: (619) 750-1360 Spiritist Society Of San Diego 5797 Chesapeake Court, Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92123 Ph: (858) 784-1811 sssd@sssandiego.org www.sssandiego.org Spiritual Light Church Rev. Milton B. Smith and Rev. Mary B. Smith 1606 State St. San Diego, CA, 92101 858-273-1311 Sunday Service: 3:00 to 5:00 PM

San Francisco

Celebrate Life ~ Spiritualist Community 4530 18th Street San Francisco, CA, 94114 415-568-7571 revdrew77@yahoo.com Celebration of Light Church 1185 Vicente at 23rd Avenue in the San Francisco Humanities Building San Francisco, CA, 94116 San Francisco, CA 650-692-2377 First Spiritual Temple, NSAC First Temple of Spiritualism, NSAC 672 S. Van Ness Ave between 17th & 18th San Francisco, CA 415-621-0491 Golden Gate Spiritualist Church 1901 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA, 94109 415-885-9976 dhainc@mindspring.com Affiliation: NSAC, CSSA Metaphysical Christian Spiritualist Church 545 Sutter St Ste 302 San Francisco, CA, 94102 415-986-2295 San Francisco Spiritist Society 938 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Ph: (415) 368-6277 Alt. (415) 205-8987 info@sfspiritistsociety.org www.sfss.us San Francisco Spiritualist Society Rev. Barbara Thurman 1031 Franklin St. Fireside Room, Urban Life Center. San Francisco, CA 415-924-1106

San Jose

Center for Creative Living, UCM 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C San Jose, CA 95112 408-392-9090 safedoti@aol.com Spiritual Science of Life Church, NSAC 729 Morse Street (Corner of Morse St. & Naglee) San Jose, CA 95126 209-887-2043 408-6l5-0214 peruchlise@aol.com Affiliation: NSAC

San Leandro

Nosso Lar Spiritist Society 1933 Davis Street, Suite 221 San Leandro, CA Ph.:(925) 289-0838 Contact: Fred Lima/Teomar Ciriaco/Jorge Aguiar e-mail: nossolarss@gmail.com www.nossolar.org Spiritualist Church of Two Worlds, NSAC 1550 San Leandro Boulevard (Deaf Community Center) San Leandro, CA, 94577 925-930-6663 dnauratil@earthlink.net Affiliation: NSAC

San Marcos

Community Spiritualist Church P.O. Box 654 San Marcos, CA 92079 services and classes at Just For Your Health 1001 W. San Marcos Blvd. #170 San Marcos, CA 92078 760-510-9022

San Mateo

Reiki Center for Healing Arts, UCM 1764 Hamlet Street San Mateo, CA 94403 650-345-7666 Rcha-sm@pacbell.net

San Rafael

Chico Xavier Spiritist Society 88 Belvedere St. Suite 208 San Rafael, CA 94901 Ph: (415) 259-0484 info@chicoxavierspiritistsociety.org www.chicoxavierspiritistsociety.org


Spiritual Science Church #4 533 Crane Ave. 209-669-6128 Sunday Services: 10:00 am, healing services followed by regular services

Van Nuys

Spiritualist Chapel of the Flowers 7417 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite "R" Van Nuys, CA, 91405 818-701-7633


Inspirational Spiritualist Church 14284 Beach Blvd. Westminster, CA 92683 714-891-7291 For more information on Spiritualist churches near you, see the The AIRR Worldwide List of Spiritual, Spiritist, and Spiritualist Organizations, Camps, and Churches hosted at the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers.