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the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology (YIPPIE!)
this OCCULT BIBLIOGRAPHY is composed of references written by
A B C D G H J K L M N P R S U W YA-to-Y
The sitemap may conserve the reader's time.
"La magie antique" (Bibliographie choisie)
University of Neuchatel: Histoire des idees et des mentalites
http://www.unine.ch/antic/resmagie.html#magiebibl, 1999.
Bar-Ilan, Meir (http://faculty.biu.ac.il/~barilm/)
"Bibliography -- Jewish and Ancient Magic in Antiquity"
Blanchard, Laura V.
Schriber, Carolyn
"The Basic Bibliography on Magic"
from the
Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies (ORB)
Bohak, Gideon, Curator
"Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity:
Further Reading"
"Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity" (1996)
"The Greek Magical Papyri:
an Introduction and Survey:
Annotated Bibliography (1928-94)"
within ANRW* II.18.5, 1995, pp 3380-3684.
(* Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt --
Rise and Decline of the Roman World -- some English language articles).
Bruno, Giordano; Sturlese, Rita, ed.
Bibliogafia Censimento E Storia Della Antiche Stampe Di Giordano Bruno
Olschki, 1987, pp 224.
Handsomely printed and published in Florence. An extensive and detailed sorting out of the bewildering, exasperatingly complex bibliography of Bruno. [PBC]
Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes
Paris, 1912;
Reprint, 1988. ... 3 volumes. LXVII, 531 + 533 + 767 pp. in double col.
ISBN 90 6004 399 5
The most important bibliography for all occult sciences. Lists 11.648 items, with full title, imprint and collation of each, notes about the books and brief biographical data about the authors. [CICAP]
Cheak, Aaron (atlanticdigital.net@frostbrimi)
"Reading List for 'Theories of Magic'"
Chicorel, Marietta, ed.
"Chicorel Index to Parapsychology and Occult Books"
from Theatre Collection of the New York Public
for the Performing Arts,
Chicorel Library Pub. Corp., 1977, pp 354.
ISBN 0-87729-202-2
Volume 24 in the Chicorel Index Series. An index to monographic material on various occult subjects. Thematic arrangement by broad and narrow subjects, such as demonology, alchemy, acupuncture, and the like. A number of titles are listed in more than one category. The titles, over 3,000 in all, reflect specific library holdings. The preface indicates that the publisher plans a new edition with more emphasis on Eastern religious aspects and influences relating to the occult. [KIES]This classic work is based on the collections of the Association for Research and Enlightenment founded by Edgar Cayce. [NYPL]
Occult Bibliography:
an Annotated List of Books Published in English 1971-1975;
Scarecrow Press, 1978, pp 454.
ISBN 0-8101-1152-9
A listing of nearly 2,000 titles, mostly annotated and arranged in alphabetical sequence by main entry. It does not claim to be all-inclusive (a bibliographer would be mad to even try!) and does pick up some reprints. Excludes works not reviewed in in periodicals or "found{1} in any bookstore." Clarie awards stars for outstanding items, and includes a prioritized list of the ten best books for each year. Publishing trends are discussed for various occult subjects. [KIES]Excellent reference for the years cited. [ABE]
...attempts to include all occult/psychic phenomena books newly published or reprinted from 1971 through 1975 in the U.S. and Britain. It analyzes approximately 1,850 books, most of which are annotated with descriptive and critical commentaries. Clarie makes a special effort to include content notes, so that researchers can find out exactly what is in a book and then decide for themselves whether it might be useful. All occult-related areas are covered, including parapsychology and psychic phenomena, spiritualism, witchcraft, demonology, magic, flying saucers, astrology, alchemy, Tarot, numerology, palmistry, acupuncture, Theosophy, strange happenings, monsters, prophecy, reincarnation. The bibliography features a highly detailed subject index (650 entries), with special entries for autobiographies, biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, juvenile works, theses, and conference publications. Every book containing a bibliography of over two pages is listed in the subject index under "Bibliography." Highly recommended works and major new contributions are single- or triple-starred. Other useful features include a title index, an author index, a list of the top ten books, year-by-year, from 1971 to 1975, and an introductory overview of the 17 most important (newsworthy) topics in the occult field, carefully thought-out and long. However, quite a few books receive only a short annotation, or none at all. Also, there are a few terms in the subject index that need breaking down. "Occult," "Ghosts," and "Psychical Research," for example, contain huge number of entries."
Occult/Paranormal Bibliography:
an Annotated Bibliography of Books Published in English 1976-1981
Scarecrow Press, 1984, pp 561, indices.
ISBN 0-8108-1674-1
Similar in scope and arrangement to the previous item [by Clarie]. Nearly 2,000 entries, mostly annotated, of books published during a six- year period. The prioritized list of the ten best books for each year is dropped. More attention is paid to reviewers' comments than in previous work, although the number of reviews is less significant in the assignment of stars. [KIES]These two volumes cover over 3,800 titles encompassing a broad range of topics. Extensive annotations include critical evaluations drawn from over 8,000 review articles. Alphabetically arranged entries can be accessed through subject, author and title indexes. [NYPL]
Cornelius, J. Edward
, and
Cornelius, Marlene
"Biographies and Studies of Aleister Crowley"
found in
"A Guide to the Works of Edward Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)"
Covenant of the Goddess (COG) (http://www.cog.org/general/contact.html)
"Witchcraft Bibliography"
"Bibliography for the Study of Magic Witchcraft and Religion" http://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~dow/courses/an271/bswmr.html, 1991, 1998.
"The History of Modern Occultism: a Bibliographical Survey"
from The Occult: Studies and Evaluations,
ed. Galbreath, 1972, pp 98-126.
Bibliotheca Astrologica:
a Catalogue of Astrological Publications
of the 15th Through the 19th CenturiesSee also its preliminary and final volumes.1,340 works described with collations and many annotations, including the identities of anonymous and pseudonymous authors. Gardner was a scholar and a bookdealer, who had examined each title here. The original edition, entitled A Catalogue Raisonne of Works on the Occult Sciences, Volume II, Astrological Books, was privately printed and probably limited to 500 copies. [ZEP]
Detailing some 1400 items, many annotated and with collations. [ABS]
Bibliotheca Rosicruciana:
A Catalogue Raisonne of Works on the Occult Sciences
604 entries, with a sketch of the History of
Astrology in the Introduction
by William Wynn Westcott; London 1903, 300 s/n copies;
expanded; Germany 1923, 500 copies, pp 102;
Holmes, 1992; ISBN: 1558181938
Kessinger, 1997; ISBN 1564590143
Data for Volume 3: Sure Fire Press, 1989, 300 s/n;
Approximately 300 entries. According to the preface, this is "a very complete Catalogue of the Histories of English Freemasons' Lodges." Includes coverage also of histories of extinct lodges, provincial Grand Lodges and county histories of freemasonry. [BFC]
"Magic and the Ancient World" from Ars Magica (RPG) Background Bibliography:
"Bibliography of Writings by W.W. Westcott" from a paper William Wynn Westcott and the Esoteric School of Masonic Research"
http://www.mastermason.com/luxocculta/appendix5.htm, 1987.
Hyre, K.M., and
Goodman, Eli
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
Reference Guides, Inc.1967, pp 380.
A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues. Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]8,243 books listed and priced. Though way out of date ... this is an excellent author/title/date reference for serious research. [PBC]
Halvorsen, Ingrid (aol.com@sunnyway)
"Runelore Bibliography" part of Runes, Alphabet of Mystery
Hannick, Jean-Marie
Poucet, Jacques
"Magie dans l'antiquite greco-romaine"
Hare, John B., ed. (sacred-texts.com@postmaster)
"Divination Bibliography" from The Internet Book of Shadows (Part of the Sacred Texts Archive)
Heinz, Harvey (shaw.ca@harveyheinz)
Bibliography (Magic Squares, Stars)
Consists of books, chapters from books, and articles published during the 20th century, that deal with magic squares, cubes, stars, etc. Because it contain only material that I am personally acquainted with (except for this first section), it is obviously not complete. However, it does contain about 300 items. [-- author]at the Magic Squares and Stars site http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/4057/bibliography.htm
Hyre, K.M., and
Goodman, Eli
Price Guide to the Occult and Related Subjects
Reference Guides, Inc.1967, pp 380.
A list of over 8,000 titles of out-of-print books from 39 used-book dealers' catalogues. Arranged alphabetically by author. [KIES]8,243 books listed and priced. Though way out of date ... this is an excellent author/title/date reference for serious research. [PBC]
Jassen, Alex
(hotmail.com@snoegel), and
Noegel, Scott
"Jewish Magic Bibliography"
The Occult in the Western World: an Annotated Bibliography;
Mansell, London, 1986;
Library Professional Publications, 1986.
A useful basic bibliography. Provides key titles for a wide range of topics relating to the occult and parapsychology. [NYPL]
Levene, Dan (http://www.soton.ac.uk/~dl3/home_page/home_page.htmlk)
Early Jewish Magic "General Introduction" part of his 'Early Jewish Magic HI 346' Course
The Well-Read Witch: Essential Books for Your Magickal Library;
New Page Books, 2001, pp 288.
ISBN 1564145301
Midwest Book Review (WI:USA): Carl McColman's Well-Read Witch provides a fine guide to the occult books which are really worth reading in the Wiccan world. From histories to essential spellcraft titles, this reviews over 400 books and provides an excellent critical introduction to Wiccan spirituality classics.
[AMA (2001 Reviewer)]
McLean, Adam (http://www.levity.com/alchemy/adam.html)
"The Alchemy Website Bibliography"
Melton, J. Gordon
Poggi, Isotta.
Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America:
a Bibliography Compiled from the Files of
the Institute for the Study of American Religion;
Garland Reference Library of Social Science ; Volume 105,
Magic. Witchcraft. Paganism. Cults. Sects in the United States.
Bibliography. Bibliographies, Institute for the Study of
American Religion, 1982, pp 231;
Religious Information Systems, 1988;
Taylor & Francis, 1992; pp 408;
ISBN: 0815304994
Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section essays but no annotations. Not science but potentially useful in certain studies as contextual sources. [BOB]Emphasis is on contemporary pagan and magical religious communities in America, but discusses historic European roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated. [KIES]
A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and major studies in history and social sciences on the history of magic, witchcraft and related movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes African-American witchcraft. Appendix of current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]
"Bibliography of Social Anthropological Theories
of Ritual Meaning and Function"from the LI 805 Webliography Project
Ness, Lester (hotmail.com@lesterness)
"ARCANA Bibliographies" primarily for:
(Greek Astrology)
- Greek Astrology Bibliography:
- translation of Auguste Bouchˇ-Leclercq's
- bibliography for Greek Astrology!
- with additional material by Ness.
- Bibliography of History of Astrology
The New York Public Library Humanities
and Social Sciences Library
"Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Bibliographies" http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/bibliographies.html
The Occult: Hauntings, Witchcraft, Dreams,
and All Other Avenues of Paranormal Phenomena:
an Annotated Bibliography
Gordon Press; 1976, pp 171.
ASIN: 0849007488
An overview of the literature, mostly between 1945 and publication. Extended annotations make this like a collection of book reviews. Intended for the general reader. [ABE]
Jassen, Alex
(hotmail.com@snoegel), and
Noegel, Scott
"Jewish Magic Bibliography"
"Witchcraft Studies, 1959-1971: A Bibliographical Survey"
within The Occult: Studies and Evaluations;
ed. Robert Galbreath,
1972, pp 82-97.
The Occult: Hauntings, Witchcraft, Dreams,
and All Other Avenues of Paranormal Phenomena:
an Annotated Bibliography
Gordon Press; 1976, pp 171.
ASIN: 0849007488
An overview of the literature, mostly between 1945 and publication. Extended annotations make this like a collection of book reviews. Intended for the general reader. [ABE]
Poetry Archive (http://www.poetry-archive.com/)
"Aleister Crowley: Bibliography" http://www.poetry-archive.com/c/crowley_aleister_bibliography.html
Poggi, Isotta.
Melton, J. Gordon
Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America:
a Bibliography Compiled from the Files of
the Institute for the Study of American Religion;
Garland Reference Library of Social Science ; Volume 105,
Magic. Witchcraft. Paganism. Cults. Sects in the United States.
Bibliography. Bibliographies, Institute for the Study of
American Religion, 1982, pp 231;
Religious Information Systems, 1988;
Taylor & Francis, 1992; pp 408;
ISBN: 0815304994
Includes books, pamphlets, articles. Section essays but no annotations. Not science but potentially useful in certain studies as contextual sources. [BOB]Emphasis is on contemporary pagan and magical religious communities in America, but discusses historic European roots. Contains 1,500 items, some annotated. [KIES]
A comprehensive bibliography of monographs and major studies in history and social sciences on the history of magic, witchcraft and related movements from colonial times to 1990. Includes African-American witchcraft. Appendix of current and discontinued periodicals. [NYPL]
Poucet, Jacques
Hannick, Jean-Marie
"Magie dans l'antiquite greco-romaine"
Pregadio, Fabrizio (http://slls.uiplay.co.za/)
"Studies on Chinese Alchemy" http://venus.unive.it/dsao/pregadio/tools/biblio/biblio_0.html
Short-Title Catalogue of Works
on Psychical Research, Spiritualism, Magic,
...for the Scientific Investigation of Alleged Abnormal Phenomena
from Circa 1450 to 1929
London, 1929.
Renberg, Gil H. (GHR@acpub.duke.edu)
"Bibliography for Apuleius, Magic and Miracle"
(Senior Thesis, Ann Arbor)part of "Magic in the Daily Life of a Roman Province:
The North African Background of Apuleius's Trial for Sorcery
http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/apuleius/renberg.bibliography.html, 1992.
Revak, James W. (http://www.villarevak.org/misc/mail.html)
"The Bookworm's Guide to Tarot: an Annotated Bibliography" from the Resources section of the Villa Revak Tarot Site
Rhode, Peter T. (jps.net@prhode)
"Bibliography of the Symbolism
of Charmstones and Other Ritual Objects"
Schriber, Carolyn
Blanchard, Laura V.
"The Basic Bibliography on Magic" from the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies (ORB)
Schuller, G.W. (alpheus.org@schuller)
Esoteric History Bibliography from Alpheus
http://www.alpheus.org/html/bibliography/eh_bibliography.html, 2001.
Books and articles covering issues relevant to an esoteric interpretation of history. Also contains some of the key works used so far in 'Centennial Efforts and Counter-Efforts of the Millennium. [website]
Shire, J. (virgin.net@j.shire)
"Occult Bibliography and Links"
(Library of the Sphinx)http://freespace.virgin.net/j.shire/libraryofthesphinx/occultbibliography.htm
Sivin, N. (http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~nsivin/index.html)
"Selected, Annotated Bibliography
of the History of Chinese Science and Medicine
-- Sources in Western Languages"
Spaeth, Barbette Stanley (mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu@spaeth)
"Magic and the Supernatural
in the Ancient World: Bibliographies"part of her 'CLAS 418, SPRING 1998' course
Spalding, Tim (isidore-of-seville.com@editor)
"Ancient Astrology and Divination on the Web"
"Divination" from The Pagan Library
Bruno, Giordano; Sturlese, Rita, ed.
Bibliogafia Censimento E Storia Della Antiche Stampe Di Giordano Bruno
Olschki, 1987, pp 224.
Handsomely printed and published in Florence. An extensive and detailed sorting out of the bewildering, exasperatingly complex bibliography of Bruno. [PBC]
University of Witwatersrand,
School of Literature and Language Studies
"Greek and Rome Magic Bibliography"
Classics 167 Course Reading List
"Aleister Crowley Bibliography" http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Aleister_Crowley.htm
Guide to the American Occult: Directory and Bibliography; Editorial Research Service, 1986.
ISBN 0933592426
Laird Wilcox, 1991.
ASIN: 0933592639
Williams, Bruce (http://www.columbia.edu/~jw157/ileife/bbw/bbw.html#bbw)
"Bibliography" (contains Magic/Divination entries)
within ILE IFE: The Arthur Hall Collection http://www.columbia.edu/~jw157/ileife/biblio.html
"Aleister Crowley Bibliography:
Bibliography of the Published Works of Aleister Crowley
-- A comprehensive annotated study in the Early Published Works of Sir Aleister Edward Crowley"
This annotated bibliography describes the binding, collation, different editions, publishing dates, (etc) of all the books published by, for & about Aleister Crowley during his lifetime. Starting with the privately printed 1898 Aceldama, and ending with the 1948 The Last Ritual. The bibliography separates Crowley's published works into seven categories; Poetry, Erotica, Plays & Novels, Magical & Thelemic Writings, Translations, Pamphlets & Broadsides, and Miscellaneous works. Useful to the Crowley collector. [TRI]
yronwode, nagasiva (https://www.luckymojo.com/nagasiva.html)
"Occult Bibliographies: Magic, Divination, and General Occultism"
(this bibliography)
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