This index lists all amulets, charms, and talismans in the
Lucky W Amulet Archive by catherine yronwode.
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abracadabra charm
Abraxas charm
Abrus precatorius seed (see lucky legumes)
ace and joker playing cards
All-Seeing Eye [of God]
alt.lucky.w usenet newsgroup
the alt.lucky.w FAQ
What to do if your ISP doesn't carry alt.lucky.w
alligator tooth as gambler's amulet
alligator foot as gambler's amulet
taoist chinese altar-piece
Amanita muscaria mushroom ("Gluckpilz")
Amanita muscaria mushroom on a Hungarian New Year's postcard with a chimney sweep
Amanita mushrooms, four-leaf clover, and horseshoe on a New Year postcard
amulet boxes
American wish box
bulla [Gorgonian amulet box; Rome]
Egyptian inscribed amulet
gau [Tibetan and Nepalese amulet box]
animals (see individual animals by name)
anchor key ring
Anima Sola
anointing oils (see also incense, floor washes, perfumes, room sprays, sachet powders, soaps)
Clover Horn Products: spiritual supplies
Fast Luck Oil
Holy Oil in Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
Papa Jim Court Case Root in Oil
Sonny Boy Products anointing oils
Zodiac oil in Double Fast Luck Soap
use of anointing oils in hoodoo candle-burning
hoodoo 7-day candles named after anointing oils
Anthony of Padua, Saint (see also religion in regard to luck)
Saint Anthony on Mexican package amulet
Saint Anthony in South Americaan charm vials
invocation to Saint Anthony for return of lost objects and people
Saint Anthony on novena candles
astronomical symbols (see also zodiacal amulets)
comet or shooting star on Mexican package amulet
moon, crescent, on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
moon, crescent, on Mexican package amulet
moon, conjunct star, on Mexican package amulet
moon, eclisping sun, on Mexican package amulet
moon, full, on Mexican package amulet
sun on Double Fast Luck Soap
sun on Mexican package amulet
sun and earth on swastika good luck postcard
star on good luck coins
star on Mexican package amulet
arrow-head ["fairy arrow"], Ireland
Asian amulets and magical implements
Chinese jade axe-head
Chinese Charm Bracelet
Chinese lucky sex coin
Chinese "108 Buddhas" (boddhisattvas) on a walnut
Thai penis amulets (palad khiks)
Tibetan and Nepalese amulet box (gau)
Tibetan dorje
Tibetan phurbu
axe-head, jade, China
axes on good luck coin
badger tooth as gambler's amulet
Ba Gua Mirror
bats in hoodoo conjure bags
dried bat heart as gambler's amulet
bat nut, devil pod, goat head, bull nut (Trapa bicornis)
beans (and black-eyed peas)
lucky legumes of all species
edible beans as New Year's luck
blues lyrics that mention hoodoo
buckeye nut
Buddha (see also religion in regard to luck)
Buddha as a good luck charm
"108 Buddhas" (boddhisattvas) on a walnut, Chinese
Buddha pregnant with a Christian cross, Mexican
Buddha foot amulet
Buddha in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
Buddha on Mexican package amulet
Lafin [sic] Buddha on hoodoo candle
bulla [Gorgonian amulet box; Rome]
a history of hoodoo candle-burning magic
a list of hoodoo, Santeria, Catholic, and Mayan candles
manufacturers of hoodoo, Santeria, Catholic, and Mayan candles
red "bride and groom" candle used in reconciliation ritual
white candle used in love-attracting ritual
candle image on Mexican package amulet
Catholic amulets
Catholic Detente Amulet from Peru
Catholic religious medals
saints as good luck charms (see also religion in regard to luck)
Catholic saints and their orisha (Yoruba) equivalents
Catholic saints on votive candles
Mexican package amulet: El Secreto de la Virtuosa Herradura
Mexican package amulet: saint wallet
Guardian Angel on a matchbox shrine
Holy Trinity on Mexican Seven African Powers package amulet
La Mano Poderosa, the Powerful Hand
Saint Anthony invoked for return of lost objects and people
Saint Anthony on Mexican package amulet
Saint Anthony in South Americaan charm vials
Saint Anthony equivalent to Yoruban orisha Ogun
Saint Christopher as a traveller's protective charm
San Damiano (Saint Damian) as a spiritual doctor; associated with Saint Francis of Assissi
Saint Expedite (Expedito, Expeditus) who brings luck in a hurry
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours) as wealth-attractor and truck driver's
San Martin Caballero on El Secreto de la Virtuoso Herradura package amulet
San Martin Caballero on Mexican miniature package amuket
Saint Martin Caballero on Mexican stuffed bag package amulet
Saint Martin Caballero in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours) equivalent to Yoruba orisha Ellegua
Saint Simon Peter as equivalent to Mayan god Maximon
Saint Simon Peter as Maximon on a Maya-Catholic votive candle
Saint Simon Peter as Maximon on a Guatemalan charm vial
Saint Simon Peter as Maximon on a Guatemalan package amulet
Saint Simon Peter equivalent to Yoruban orisha Ellegua
cats, oriental
Maneki Neko, The Beckoning Cat and Nang Kwak
cats, black
black cat on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
black cat figural candles
black cat image on hoodoo votive candles
black cat on Sonny Boy hoodoo oils and incenses
black cat on Mexican package amulet
black cat bone in hoodoo conjure bags
catseye shell
catseye shell as evil eye preventive
catseye shell in jinx-removing hoodoo conjure bag
bull nut, devil pod, goat head, bat nut (Trapa bicornis)
cattle on Mexican milagros
cattle on Quechua illa
protecting cattle from witchcraft with SATOR square
caul, human
charm bracelets
European and North American charm bracelets of the 20th century
Chinese charm bracelet
cord charms intended to decay
California Indian phallic charmstones
charm vials, Central and South American
chimney sweeps, European
Christopher, Saint (see also religion in regard to luck)
Saint Christopher as a traveller's protective charm
Clover Horn Products: cosmetics, spiritual supplies
Chinese lucky sex coin
coin on a Chinese charm bracelet
coin images on hoodoo candles
coins in Mexican Seven African Powers package amulet
North American good luck coins
sequin as coin symbol on Mexican package amulets
silver "Mercury" dimes in hoodoo charms
silver "Mercury" dimes combined with John the Cinqueror root
Tibetan amulet box made from a coin
comic book characters
Lady Luck
Lucky Luke
cord charms intended to decay
cord charms used against the evil eye charm
cornucopia amulet
cornucopia on Double Fast Luck Soap
cornucopia image on hoodoo candle
cowrie shell
cross (see also swastika)
the cross of Caravaca
the cross of San Damiano
Buddha pregnant with the cross of Caravaca, Mexican
the cross of Caravaca in El Secreto de la Virtuoso Herradura
Christ crucified on Mexican package amulet
Christian crosses on Santeria and hoodoo votive candles
crucifixion tools in La Mano Poderosa, the Powerful Hand
crux ansata or ankh
crossing oneself after reciting a spell
hoodoo "uncrossing" cross
"uncrossing" cross on hoodoo candles
non-Christian cross on an Arabic amulet
crow (see raven)
Damian, Damiano, Saint
the cross of San Damiano (Saint Damian)
deities as good luck symbols (see also Buddha, Catholic saint cards, Ganesha, office gods, candles, religion,
devil pod, bat nut, goat head, bull nut (Trapa bicornis)
dice in hoodoo conjure bags
dice rolling lucky 7
dime (U.S. coin)
Dixon, Willie and Muddy Waters (McKinley Morganfield)
"Got My Mojo Workin'" (mojo)
"My John the Conquer Root" (John the Conqueror root)
the Magnetic Dogs
Double Fast Luck Soap
Double Luck Foods
Durga and kali (Indian Hindu goddess) amulets
Dymphna, Saint
celtic knotwork dragon box
dragon ash catcher
eagle on good luck coin
E. Davis hoodoo spiritual supplies
E. Davis Double Fast Luck Soap
Money House Blessing brand hoodoo spiritual products
Egyptian amulets
book review
wadjet eyes
djed pillar (tet)
buckle of Isis [girdle of Isis; tit]
scarab beetle
Ekkeko, Andean god of abundance and luck
elephants as lucky charms and knick-kancks
elephant-headed Ganesha, Hindu god of luck
elephant on European charm bracelet
elephant on good luck coins
elephant in Mexican Lucky Buddha statue
elephant on Mexican package amulet
elephant in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
tiny carved elephants in a bean
jade elephant charm
evil eye, apotropaic charms
catseye shell
cord charms intended to decay
blue eye amulets, Greek and Turkish
blue eye amulet, "all-over eyes," Turkish
blue eye amulet, "your name on rice," Turkish
blue beads on terra cotta horseshoe plaque, Middle Eastern
coral cornicelli, horns, and forks, Italian
eye-agate amulets
eye-in-hand amulets, Israeli, Arabic, Indian
frijol colorado bean in Guatemalan charm vial
hamsa hand amulets, Israeli, Arabic
hamsa hand and crescent amulet, Arabic
hamsa hand on European charm bracelet
horseshoe, European and Middle Eastern
horseshoe plaque, Middle Eastern
mano fico (fig hand), Italian
mano cornuto (horned hand), Italian
penis amulets, Roman (ancient)
penis amulets, Thai (contemporary)
SATOR square to protect cattle from the evil eye
vulva amulet, modern
milagros and ex-votos
anchor used as milagro or ex voto
flaming heart milagro
powerful hand milagro in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
eyes (see also evil eye, milagros)
All-Seeing Eye [of God]
All-Seeing Eye on a Mexican-style magic candle
All-Seeing Eye on a good luck coin
blue eye amulets, Greek and Turkish
blue eye amulet, "all-over eyes," Turkish
blue eye amulet, "your name on rice," Turkish
eye on Double Fast Luck Soap
eye-in-hand amulets
eye on Lucky Brown cosmetics packaging
god's eye on Peruvian package amulet
wadjet eyes
Fast Luck anointing oils, floor washes, perfumes, room sprays, sachet powders, soaps
E. Davis Double Fast Luck Soap
Fast Luck hoodoo candles
Sonny Boy Products Fast Luck oil
Suerte Rapida (Mexican Fast Luck sachet powder)
feathers in hoodoo conjure bags
fertility charms (see sex charms)
five finger grass
carrying five finger grass to obtain one's desire
five finger grass in hoodoo conjure bags
first footing as New Year's luck
fish otolith or ear bone
floor washes, (see also anointing oils, perfumes, room sprays, sachet powders, soaps)
four-leaf clover
four-leaf clover on American wish box
four-leaf clover on Double Luck Foods
four-leaf clover on European charm bracelet
four-leaf clover on good luck coins
four-leaf clover on good luck postcard
four-leaf clover on hoodoo candles
four-leaf clover on a Hungarian New Year's postcard with a chimney sweep
four-leaf clover, Amanita mushrooms, and horseshoe on a New Year postcard
four-leaf clover on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
four-leaf clover on Mexican package amulet
frijol colorado, frijolito (see lucky legumes)
frog, Chinese jade and bone fertility amulets
frog, Roman amber fertility amulet
dried frog in hoodoo conjure bags
Gabriel, Archangel
gamblers' luck
alligator tooth
alligator foot
badger tooth
bat heart as gambler's amulet
black cat as gambler's lucky charm
black cat brand oils, incense, sachet, and bath crystals
black cat candle
buckeye with quicksilver
candle burning for gambler's luck
chamomile hand wash
dice showing number 7 on charm bracelet
dice showing number 7 on hoodoo candles
Fast Luck soap and Gambler's soap
five-finger grass
four-leaf clover
horseshoe with horse head
John the Conqueror root
lucky hand figural candle
lucky hand root
magnetic sand
mojo bag containg gambler's lucky charms
money bag
money bags on an American charm bracelet
number 7
number 13
playing cards on an American charm bracelet
policy players' dream book numbers
nutmeg with quicksilver
rabbit foot
raccoon penis bone
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours)
skull figural candle
slot machine key ring charm
Ganesha (see also religion in regard to luck)
Ganesha, Hindu god of luck
gau (Tibetan and Nepalese amulet box)
goat head, devil pod, bat nut, bull nut (Trapa bicornis)
god's eyes
god's eye on Peruvian package amulet
Guatemalan worry dolls
Guatemalan worry dolls in a matchbox shrine
hand of Power, Roman
hamsa hand, Jewish and Moslem
hamsa hand and cresecent amulet, Arabic
Helping Hand (of God), hoodoo
Helping Hand on hoodoo votive candle
Helping Hand on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
eye-in-hand amulets
Lucky Hand root
Lucky Hand Alleged Indian Grandma formula in Sonny Boy Products
mano cornuto (horned hand)
mano fico (fig hand)
mano fico hand on a South American package amulet
mano fico (called mano poderosa) in South American charm vial
Mano Poderosa, the Powerful Hand (of God), Catholic
Mano Poderosa, the Powerful Hand (of God), on Catholic votive candles
Mano Poderosa, the Powerful Hand (of God), in a Peruvian package amulet
milagro hand in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
"mojo hand" as alternative name for conjure bag
heart on European charm bracelet
heart on Lucky Brown cosmetics packaging
heart-and-key on a good luck coin
heart-and-key on an American Wish Box
flaming heart milagro
twin hearts on Double Fast Luck Soap
twin hearts on hoodoo candle
twin hearts on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
twin hearts on Mexican package amulets
twin hearts on swastika good luck postcard
Hell Bank Notes as spiritual offerings
herbs (See species or common name. Only unknown species appear in this entry.)
Hoodoo herb and Root Magic by catherine yronwode
unknown herbs in Central and South American charm vials
unknown herbs in Guatemalan package amulet
Hernandez, Doctor Jose Gregorio
Hindu religious medals
Hohman, John George
Hohman's influence on Anglo-American and African-American folk magic
items found in mojo bags derived from Hohman's "Pow-Wows"
Hohman as popularizer of ancient SATOR square in American folk magic
spider and holly on a Christmas/New Year Good Luck postcard
wishbone and holly on a Christmas/New Year postcard
hoodoo supplies: manufacturers' names, and some of their products
contemporary hoodoo suppliers and occult stores
contemporary manufacturers of hoodoo candles
Clover Horn Products: cosmetics, spiritual supplies
E. Davis: Double Fast Luck Soap
King Novelty Company: Genuine Mo-Jo Brand lodestones
King Novelty Company: Lucky Mojo Oil
Famous Products/Valmor: Lucky Brown cosmetics
Lucky Mojo Curio Co.: catalogue of hoodoo supplies
Lucky Mon-Gol: Curio Number XI
Papa Jim: Court Case Root in Oil
Sonny Boy Products: incense and anointing oils
hoppin' John as New Year's luck
The Corno (Italian Horn Amulet)
actual horseshoes, miniature horseshoe models, and horseshoe sculptures
- actual horseshoe as a protective amulets
- horseshoe in El Secreto de la Virtuoso Herradura
- terra cotta blue-glazed horseshoe plaque
- miniature horseshoe package amulets
horseshoe jewelry, charms, and amulets
- horseshoe charms on European and American charm bracelets
- horseshoe charm in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
- horseshoe imagery on North American good luck coins
- horseshoe charms in Peruvian package amulets
- horseshoe charms in South American charm vials
horseshoes as printed images
- horseshoe image on Double Fast Luck Soap
- horseshoe image on Double Luck Foods
- horseshoe images on hoodoo candles
- horseshoe image on Lucky Brown cosmetics packaging
- horseshoe image on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
- horseshoe image on swastika good luck postcard
- horseshoe, four-leaf clover, and Amanita mushrooms on a New Year postcard
Hot Foot Oil and Powder
huayruru seed (see lucky legumes)
Chandan Dhoop Incense Logs
Lucky Mon-Gol: Curio Number XI
Sree Chamundeswari Perfumed Dhoop Cones
Sonny Boy Products incense
incense holder
dragon ash catcher
indescribable lucky charm
John the Conqueror root
John the Conqueror root
John the Conqueror root in hoodoo conjure bags
John the Conqueror figure on hoodoo candles
Johnson, Robert
"Come On In My Kitchen" (nation sack)
"Hell-Hound On My Trail" (hot foot powder)
"Little Queen of Spades" (gambler's mojo)
Kali and Durga (Indian Hindu goddess) amulets
heart-and-key on a good luck coin
heart-and-key on an American Wish Box
keys on hoodoo candle
keys on hoodoo figural "altar cross" candle
key on Lucky Brown cosmetics packaging
key chain and key ring
alligator foot key chain
anchor key ring
crucifix pen knife key ring
rabbit foot key chain
slot machine key ring
King Novelty Company hoodoo supplies
lodestones and magnetic sand
lodestones and magnetic sand on Mexican package amulets
lodestones and magnetic sand in hoodoo conjure bags
lodestones and magnetic sand in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
lodestones and magnetic sand in Fast Luck oil
lodestone used in fidelity charm ritual
Lucky Lodestone formula in Sonny Boy Products incense and oils
the Magnetic Dogs
magnetic sand
love spells and rituals (see also sex charms)
luck, protection, and religion
Lucky Brown cosmetics
Lucky Hand root
Lucky Hand root
Lucky Hand root in hoodoo conjure bags
lucky legumes
red beans and other lucky legumes
Abrus precatorius seeds in Buddha pregnant with a Christian cross, Mexican
Abrus precatorius seeds in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
edible beans (Phaseolus and Vigna) as New Year's luck
frijol colorado in Guatemalan charm vial
frijol colorado in Guatemalan package amulet
Ormosia (huayruru) seed on Peruvian package amulet with metal saints
Ormosia (huayruru) seed on Peruvian package amulet with collage of items
Ormosia (huayruru) seeds in South American charm vials
"wishing beans" in hoodoo conjure bags
Lucky Mon-Gol brand hoodoo curios
lucky stone
fish otolith or ear bone
lyrics, blues and hoodoo
Aunt Caroline Dye
bad luck woman
hoodoo snake doctor
magic words
abracadabra word triangle
Abraxas name as number 365
Citrum/Citrun Nueve in El Secreto de la Virtuoso Herradura
Citrum/Citrun Nueve on Mexican package amulets
"Four L's" on swastika good luck postcard
Gnostic word charms
greek vowels word triangle
SATOR word square to extinguish fire and protect cattle
magic squares and triangles
abracadabra word triangle
Gnostic word charms
greek vowels word triangle
lionel pepper's web pages on magic number squares
SATOR word square to extinguish fire and protect cattle
magnetic dogs (see also lodestones)
magnetic dogs
magnetic sand (see also lodestones)
magnetic sand
Martin of Tours, Saint (see also religion in regard to luck)
San Martin Caballero (Saint Martin of Tours) as wealth-attractor and truck driver's
San Martin Caballero on El Secreto de la Virtuoso Herradura package amulet
San Martin Caballero on Mexican miniature package amuket
Saint Martin Caballero on Mexican stuffed bag package amulet
Saint Martin Caballero in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
matchbox shrine
Mayan god Maximon as equivalent to Catholic Saint Simon Peter
Maximon as Saint Simon Peter on a Mayan-Catholic candle
Maximon as Saint Simon Peter on a Guatemalan charm vial
Maximon as Saint Simon Peter on a Guatemalan package amulet
McTell, Blind WIllie
"Scarey Day Blues" (mojo)
Mercury dime
merrythought (see wishbone)
Metatron, Archangel
Michael, Archangel
milagros and ex-votos
anchor used as milagro or ex voto
flaming heart milagro
powerful hand milagro in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
Collecting Milagros at The Collector's Guide to the Art of New Mexico and
American Southwest
minerals and gemstones
charmstones, California Indian
diamond on swastika good luck postcard
eye agate amulets
jade axe head amulet
jade money bag on a Chinese Charm Bracelet
jade turtle charm
lapis lazuli and other stone scarabs
lodestones and magnetic sand
lodestones and magnetic sand on Mexican package amulets
lodestones and magnetic sand in hoodoo conjure bags
lodestones and magnetic sand in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
lodestones and magnetic sand in Fast Luck oil
lodestone used in fidelity charm ritual
Lucky Lodestone formula in Sonny Boy Products incense and oils
the Magnetic Dogs
mica on Mexican package amulet
pyrites (fool's gold) in Central and South American charm vials
quartz in Central and South American charm vials
quartz in Guatemalan package amulet
quartz in Mexican package amulet
soapstone animal illas, canopas, mullas, and chacras
soapstone figures in Central and South American charm vials
soapstone munachi charms
soapstone munaiwarmi charms
mojo hands or conjure bags
nation sack (woman's mojo hand)
Mojo Brand Oil, Lucky Mojo Jickey Toilet Water
Genuine Mo-Jo Brand Lodestones
John George Hohman's influence on African-American folk magic
Lucky Mojo home page
Money House Blessing brand hoodoo spiritual products
Money House Blessing hoodoo candles
money bags
money bag on a Chinese Charm Bracelet
money bag on Double Fast Luck Soap
money bag on hoodoo votive candles
money bag on Mexican package amulet
money bags on hoodoo candles
monkey on penis amulet
munachi charms
munaiwarmi charms
magic, Gnostic
coffin, hoodoo
coffin nails used to prepare hoodoo candles
nation sack (see mojo hands)
New Year's Day luck
edible beans as New Year's luck
Hungarian New Year's postcard with a chimney sweep
policy dream book images and lucky numbers
number 7
"7 Desires" hoodoo candle
numbers 7-22 on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
number 13
number 13 on European charm bracelet
number 108
108 Buddhas on a walnut; 108 as an auspicious number
lionel pepper's web pages on magic number squares
office gods (Computa, Caffeina, et al)
fish otolith or ear bone
Orishas, Yoruban spirits
orishas and their Catholic saint equivalents
orishas and their Catholic saint equivalents on Santeria candles
orishas and their Catholic saint equivalents in a Mexican package amulet
Ormosia seeds (see lucky legumes)
package amulets
Guatemalan package amulet: miniature horseshoe with print of Maximon
Guatemalan package amulet: miniature pillow with print of Maximon
Mexican package amulet: miniature horseshoe with print of San Martin Caballero
Mexican package amulet: El Secreto de la Virtuosa Herradura
Mexican package amulet: saint wallet
Mexican package amulet: three coins, Holy Trinity, and the Seven African Powers
Mexican package amuet: stuffed bag with print of San Martin Caballero
Peruvian package amulet: collage of magical items
Peruvian package amulet: metal saints, broom, and Ormosia seed
post-modern package amulet: matchbox shrine
pansy on European charm bracelet
paper and parchment talismans
parchment talismans in hoodoo conjure bags
SATOR word square on paper to protect cattle
peach on Chinese Charm Bracelet
penis amulets
penis amulets, Roman (ancient)
penis amulets, Thai (contemporary)
penis bones of mammals used as amulets
phallic charmstones, California Indian
pentagrams, pentacles, hexagrams, and other geometric figures
raven pentacle pentagram amulet
Solomon's seal (Star of David)
lionel pepper's web pages on pentagrams
perfumes (see also anointing oils, floor washes, room sprays, sachet powders, soaps)
pig on European charm bracelet
plants and plant parts (see invidual plants by name; see also herbs)
Postcards, 20th century topical "Good Luck," greetings, and holiday cards
Amanita mushrooms and horseshoe on a New Year postcard
charm bracelet on a French good luck postcard
chimney sweep on a Hungarian good luck postcard
four-leaf clover on a good luck postcard
spider and holly on a good luck postcard
swastika, horseshoe, Sun, twin hearts, and Earth on good luck postcard
wishbone and holly on a Christmas/New Year postcard
the Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
Quechua (Peruvian and Bolivian) amulets and magical implements
animal illas, canopas, mullas, and chacras
munachi charms
munaiwarmi charms
charm vials
rabbit amulet, Chinese
rabbit foot key chain
rabbit foot in jinx-removing hoodoo conjure bag
rabbit foot on good luck coins
rabbit foot on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
raccoon penis bones
Raphael, Archangel
rat in jinx-removing hoodoo conjure bag
rattlesnake (see snake)
raven pentacle pentagram amulet
raven playing cards
"red beans" (See lucky legumes)
religion in regard to luck
rice in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
rice in Turkish evil eye amulet
room sprays (see also anointing oils, floor washes, perfumes, sachet powders, soaps)
Money House Blessing brand hoodoo spiritual products
roses with lucky names
runes, rune stones, rune casting, runic divination
sachet powders (see also anointing oils, floor washes, perfumes, room sprays, soaps)
sachet powders in Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
sachet powder used in reconciliation ritual
sage smudge sticks
sage smudge stick in a matchbox shrine
saints, Catholic (see by individual names)
all saints
scarab beetle
Santisima Muerte
Sheela-Na-Gig pewter amulet
rattlesnakes, rattlesnake rattles, and rattlesnake salt
rattlesnake rattles in hoodoo conjure bags
serpent bracelet, Roman
snake-legged Abraxas
Seven African Powers
Seven African Powers (Yoruban orishas) and their Catholic saint equivalents
Seven African Powers on Santeria candles
Seven African Powers in a Mexican package amulet
sex, love, fidelity, and fertility charms
buckeye nut
California Indian phallic charmstones
candle magic for love attraction
cord charms intended to decay
frog, Chinese jade and bone fertility amulets
frog, Roman amber fertility amulet
indescribable lucky charm, American
illas, canopas, mullas, and chacras, Quechua and Aymara
lodestones and magnetic sand, hoodoo
love spells and rituals
the Magnetic Dogs
mojo bags for attracting love
munachi charms, Quechua
munaiwarmi charms, Quechua
penis amulets, Thai
penis amulets, Roman
raccoon penis bones
invocation to Saint Anthony for return of lost lover
Saint Anthony on Mexican package amulet
Saint Anthony in South Americaan charm vials
vuelve vueleve vine on Mexican package amulet
vuelve vuelve vine in South Americaan charm vials
vulva amulet, modern
silver Mercury dime
slot machine
slot machine key ring
small smooth rocks
a piece of jade from my childhood
California Indian phallic charmstones
snow-globe pyramid of luck, Mexican
soaps (see also anointing oils, floor washes, perfumes, room sprays, sachet powders)
Double Fast Luck Soap
Old Indian Stop Evil Condition soap
Money House Blessing brand hoodoo spiritual products
Sonny Boy Products hoodoo supplies: incense and oils
spider on a good luck postcard
stores that sell hoodoo supplies and folkloric amulets
swastika stone amulet
swastika as symbol of Ganesha, Hindu god of luck
swastikas on good luck coins
swastika on good luck postcard
swastika on Lucky Mon-Gol Curio Number XI
tortoise amulet
travellers' protective charms
anchor key ring as a traveller's amulet
Saint Chrostopher as a traveller's amulet
San Martin Caballero as a truck driver's charm
tree bark, dyed various colours, in South Americaan charm vials
tree bark, dyed various colours, on Mexican package amulet
"tree of life" on Double Fast Luck Soap
tusk amulet
Uriel, Archangel
votary figures and ex-votos (see also Catholic saints)
milagros and ex-votos
flaming heart milagro
powerful hand milagro in Mexican snow-globe pyramid of luck
Collecting Milagros at The Collector's Guide to the Art of New Mexico and
American Southwest
Quechua and Aymara animal illas, canopas, mullas, and chacras
Toltec jaguar priest votary figure
vuelve vuelve vine
vuelve vuelve vine in Amazonian charm vials
vuelve vuelve vine on Mexican package amulet
vulva amulet, modern
"108 Buddhas" (boddhisattvas) on a walnut, Chinese
Wills's Lucky Charms trading cards
Introduction to the 50 cards
- Aries - The Ram
- Taurus - The Bull
- Gemini - The Twins
- Cancer - The Crab
- Leo - The Lion
- Virgo - The Virgin
- Libra - The Balance
- Scorpio - The Scorpion
- Sagittarius - The Archer
- Capricornus - The Goat
- Aquarius - The Water-Bearer
- Pisces - The Fishes
- The Abracadabra
- The Abraxas [Gnostic]
- The Ankh or Crux Ansata [Egypt]
- The Caduceus
- The Crescent and Hand [Hamsa hand]
- The Cross
- The Hand [of Power] [Rome]
- The Scarab [Egypt]
- The Serpent [Rome]
- The Greek Vowels
- Solomon's Seal
- The Swastika
- The Tau Cross
- The Tet [Djed Pillar; Egypt]
- The Heart [Egypt]
- The Utchat [Wadjet Eye; Egypt]
- The Buckle of Isis [Girdle of Isis; Tit; Egypt]
- The Menat [Egypt]
- Necklace of Charms [Egypt]
- The Bulla [Gorgonian amulet box; Rome]
- The Tusk
- The Cornucopia
- The Frog
- Magic Nails [Gnostic]
- Inscribed Amulet [amulet box; Egypt]
- Gnostic Talismans
- The Fish
- Amulet Box [Tibet]
- Food Charm [Tibet]
- Conch Shell [India and Tibet]
- The Dorje [Tibet]
- The Tortoise [Asia]
- Book of Charms [Sumatra]
- Eye-Agate
- The Hei-Tiki [New Zealand]
- Grotesque Figue [New Guinea]
- Axe-Head [China]
- Arrow-Head [Ireland]
Wilson, Leola B. (Coot Grant) and Wesley Wilson (Kid Socks)
"Keep Your Hands Off My Mojo" (mojo)
wishbone on good luck coins
wishbone on Lucky Brown cosmetics packaging
wishbone on a good luck postcard
wishbone on Mexican package amulet
Zodiac oil in Double Fast Luck Soap
Zodiac signs on Double Fast Luck Soap
zodiacal amulets with gemstones
Amulet Translate
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