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Books About Hypnotism
A bibliography compiled by catherine yronwode
Part Five
copyright 2022
Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology
(Y.I.P.P.I.E.)The Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Auto-Suggestion, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis Bibliography is copyright 2022 by the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology (Y.I.P.P.I.E.), and all rights are reserved. In other words, you may download The Hypnotism Bibliography and print it out at home for your own use, but you may not further copy it, because the copyright holder controls the copying rights. Specifically, you may not mirror The Hypnotism Bibliography to other web sites, you may not distribute it or publish it in print form (either for money or for free), and you may not electronically distribute it in e-lists, electronic forums, social media groups, or usenet (either for money or for free) without the express written permission of the copyright holder.
Thanks to my Patreon Supporters
Well, this is the briefest episode of the Hypnotism Bibliography, but not the least interesting, i hope. I apologize to you, my faithful supporters, for not being able to produce more content this week, but i have had to deal with lots of other duties during the past seven days. I promise to have more for you when Part Six comes around, in a few weeks.
Truth to tell, when i started this bibliography i thought it would be short but sweet, the work of two weeks at most. To my dismay, the number of uncatalogued books on my left-side desk pull-out has GROWN since last week, as i lucked into a stash of paperbacks on hypnotism that were published, but not written by, the inimitable Melvin Powers, who was the subject of Part Four. At latest count, there are now more than 20 uncatalogued books in the stack, and thanks to the assiduous work of Leslie J. Meacham (see below), i have a list of many more rare books to locate.
Compiler's Notes on the Contents of This Bibliography:
Books are listed alphabetically by author's surname, but if an author has more than one title, the books for that author are in chronological order by publication date.
Hypnotism Bibliography Part One
Hypnotism Bibliography Part Two
Hypnotism Bibliography Part Three
Hypnotism Bibliography Part Four
Hypnotism Bibliography Part Five
Hypnotism Bibliography Part Six
For more information on hypnosis, click this link to read a brief article i wrote about hypnotism for the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers in 2021:
"Hypnosis Coaching and Training" by cat yronwode
The URL you are reading it at now is TEMPORARY. I will write several more parts to this bibliography for my Patrons on individual pages like this, and these will open to the public after one year, thanks to your kind financial support. I will compile all of the pages into one long page and unveil it to the public, with a new URL, at the home page.
Anderson, L. [Lewis] H. How to Hypnotize: A Most Valuable Guide.
The National Institute, Masonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois, 1896
First edition, bound in maroon textured cloth with embossed black and silver illustrations and lettering, edges stained red.
Another edition: Dark blue and black cloth hardcover with embossed illustrations and lettering. 237 pages, illustrated with frontispiece portrait of the author, black and white plates, and 33 page of ads.This is a veritable course book in hypnotism, printed and bound to the highest standards of its time. The contents include:
• I. Defining of Hypnotism
• II. Sympathy of Mind and Body
• III. The Life of Mesmer
• IV. Magnetic Treatments
• V. The Unconscious Condition
• VI. Interesting Somnambulistic Experiences
• VII. [Chapter number is missing -- but pagination is complete and perfect]
• VIII. Hypnotism
• IX. What Is Hypnotism?
• X. Hypnotism a Fact
• XI. The Facts of Hypnotism
• XI. Hypnotic Curative Agency [Chapter number is duplicated; pagination is complete and perfect]
• XII.The Science of Hypnotism
• XIII. Prejudice Against Hypnotism
• VIV. The Future of HypnotismThe misnumbering and eventual correction of the chapter numbers aside, this is a deluxe book, with very fine half-tone illustrations from photos on clay-coat paper throughout. The text is fairly typical for the late 19th century, relying heavily on history and personal anecdotes, and according stage hypnotism the same respect given to clinical hypnosis. The insistence on the validity of hypnosis as a treatment or cure for mental distress and chronic pain is plain, but the author goes further and also introduces occult ideas such as clairvoyance or telepathic hypnosis. Given his other book titles, this is not out of character for him. As a New Thought author, he also wrote:
• How to Win; or, Sure Secrets of Success: Mental and Social Culture as an Aid to the Exerting of Personal Magnetism, 1893
• Natural Way in Diet, or, The Proper Food of Man, A Most Valuable Guide, 1898 [This is a book on vegetarianism; the cover design matches the present volume, on green cloth with white and black illustrative stamping.]
• Natural Healing, 1900
• Beauty, Brawn, Brain, and How to Attain and Retain Them, 1902
• Scientific Suggestion, the Secret of Success: Hypnotism, Its Uses and Abuses, 1909 ["by A Truth Seeker" -- but copyright by L. H. Anderson]There is a faint whiff of William Walker Atkinson in this book, from the publication at the Masonic Temple in Chicago and the chapter titles with their careful Roman numerals, to the five other books, all on on New Thought topics, including personal magnetism. I can't say there is a connection, but i have not been able to rule one out either.
Calostro [Robert Doidge]. Entertaining with Hypnotism.
A Calostro Publication, date unknown [i have never seen a first edition]; reprinted many times, including posthumously, and available as a digital download.
40 pages, saddle-stitched in stiff wraps.
• Foreword
• 1. The Origin of Hypnotism
• 2. What Is Hypnotism?
• 3. Who Can Be Hypnotized?
• 4. Who Can Become A Hypnotist?
• 5. The Effect On and How to Awaken a Subject
• 6. Medical Hypnotism
• 7. The Conscious and the Subconscious Mind
• 8. Degrees of Hypnosis
• 9. Hypnotism by Phonograph Recordings
• 10. How to Hypnotize Others [Four Methods]
• 11. Mass Hypnosis
• 12. Individual Demonstrations and Tests
• 13. Retrogression of Memory
• 14. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
• 15. Hypnotizing at a Distance
• 16 Auto-Suggestion and Self-Hypnosis
• 17. How to Hypnotize Yourself
• 18. Final CommentsRobert William "Bob" Doidge (1892-1967) was a professional mentalist and hypnotist from 1917 onward, performing on stage as "Calostro." He served in World War One in 1918 and thereafter was also an author and publisher of books on stage magic, mentalism, and hypnosis.
"Entertaining with Hypnotism" contains eighteen lessons on hypnotism for showmen, packed into 32 pages of small-font text. Good things come in small packages, and this is an excellent book on stage hypnosis. Its valuable ideas and concision of presentation has caused it to remain in print long after the author's death.
From the foreword: "With few exceptions, the published data available on hypnotism is either too weighty with scientific theory, if a serious work, or it contains too much fakery, if stage hypnotic demonstrations are being described. It is this author's purpose to condense the latest and best methods and ideas into easy, understandable language, so that the lay person may have before him an easy-to-follow, compact summary of the art."
Meacham, Leslie J. Lessons In Hypnotism and the Use of Suggestion, Based Upon the Neuron Motility Hypothesis.
The Bishop Publishing Co., Cincinnati Ohio, 1898
Hardcover, red cloth, gold stamped lettering on cover.
192 pages: 159 pages of text plus 31 photographic half-tone plates "from photographs by Dr. Edwin P. Adams, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio."As the author's foreword states: "The theory offered is in the main an elaboration of that first presented by Dr. F. X. Dercum of Philadelphia. It has been carefully considered in its application to all phenomena arising from suggestion. It has been accepted by leading physicians and psychologists."
Francis Xavier Dercum (1856 – 1931) was a well respected neurologist of his era who held offices in numerous professional medical organizations, published more than 200 papers, and was called upon to treat the United States President Woodrow Wilson when he collapsed in the White House.
By associating his interest in hypnosis with Dercum's Neuron Motility Hypothesis and the scientific experimentation which characterized Dercum's work, Meacham places his own text on hypnosis in a medical and therapeutic context. Quite a lot of the book is devoted to an explanation of neurons, axons, and dendrites -- with line drawings. It's like a bonus book on neurology before you even start in on hypnotism. Of course such knowledge is commonplace now, but it was cutting edge at the time, and Meacham was working toward a scientific rationale for the mental changes that can obviously be effected by putting a patient into a hypnotic trance. In particular, by emphasizing neurons, he raised the question of how memories are encoded in the brain and therefore how it is that a hypnotist can embed beneficial and uplifting self-awareness, delusions and follies, or frightening and angering ideas within a patient's proprioceptive sense of self.
These are questions that go far beyond mere hypnotism, of course, and have broad application in areas such as leadership adulation, mass hysteria, false memory syndrome, "Manchurian Candidate" assassins, and the induction of unshakable beliefs in conspiracies and criminal activities which actually have no basis in fact. What is interesting to me is that Meacham, via Dr. Dercum's research, was anticipating a neurological theory of mind which even now, more than a century later, has still not been fully demonstrated.
Meacham implies within the book that he himself has been a stage hypnotist, but that he has also worked with medical doctors to hypnotise patients in an attempt to retrain their minds through therapeutic suggestions. His interest lies specifically in the use of hypnosis to overcome bad habits, "neuroses," and the effects of trauma and chronic pain. This is a well-written book by a highly educated person who was fully abreast of then-curent medical theories, practiced hypnotism professionally, and, above all, had an active and enquiring mind. Recommended.
The chapters are:
• I. Theory
• II. Theory Continued
• III. How to Produce and Test Hypnosis
• IV. Therapeutics
• V. Cautions
An additional value to this book is found in Meacham's informal list of source-book titles. While not a proper bibliography or catalogue, this list was made just as hypnotism books in English were becoming available in America, so when i first ran across it, i was thrilled to see that it contained mention of quite a few rare volumes which i not only had never seen, but had never even heard of. It thus became, for me at least, a kind of Rosetta Stone that led me into a deeper understanding of hypnotism incunabula. I set out to acquire these books, and almost at once i found to my pleasure (and non-surprise) that Melvin Powers had already picked up on some of the titles and had reprinted them in facsimile paperback editions, with his usual outré covers and the prized "Foreward by Melvin Powers." In this bibliography, if a book is noted as "Listed in Meacham," the reference is to the source-books published here in 1898.
Thanks to nagasiva yronwode for above-and-beyond scanning and organizational help.